You may not realize it, but even when Wi-Fi is not being used, it is still sending out radio waves for other devices used to connect and communicate with it. This means that your wireless router is emitting EMF radiation while you’re sleeping through these constant radio waves.
Even as you sleep, you are exposed to EMF radiation while your devices aren’t in use. Turning off your home’s Wi-Fi at night will reduce the amount of EMF radiation that is being emitted throughout the night. This means you can increase the amount of health benefits you receive at night while you sleep.
Wifi radiation has been increasingly becoming a hot point of discussion amongst the people who are aware of the health risks or health problems occurred sue to prolonged exposure to different radio frequency including wifi radiation.
If you’re interested in wired internet, check out this article on getting wired throughout your house and even to the second story
How Does Wi-Fi Work?
Wi-Fi works because the wireless router within your home sends out radio waves in order to communicate with your internet provider and compatible electronic devices. These compatible electronic devices will connect to Wi-Fi through radio waves and continue to use these radio waves to communicate with the internet service provider through the wireless internet router.
All of this happens at the speed of light, and all of this is completely invisible to the naked eye. While electronic devices are connected to wifi routers or wireless devices via Wi-Fi, both the electronic device and the wireless internet router are emitting radio waves.
Radio waves are also known as radiofrequency. Radiofrequency is a form of electromagnetic field. Electromagnetic fields produce electromagnetic field radiation. Therefore, radio waves are a type of EMF or electromagnetic radiation.
How Does Wi-Fi Emit EMF Radiation?
Wi-Fi emits EMF radiation through the radio waves it uses to communicate with electronic devices. Radio waves are a type of electromagnetic field; therefore, they produce EMF radiation.
Wireless internet emits EMF radiation through the wireless internet router as well as the electronic devices that are in communication with the wireless internet router. You can have as many as 15 different devices connected to your home’s wireless internet connection via your wifi networks.
Cell phone and television radiation are common among our most use cases. We can check the cell phone radiation chart to get a safe passage before purchasing a phone and a similar guide for TVs also to avoid maximum radiation in our home. Cell phone radiates at a negligible level while turned off but TVs emit substantial radiation while turned off specially for a few minutes after turning off. Common electronic devices connected to Wi-Fi:
- Cell phone
- Tablet
- Laptop
- Doorbell
- Security camera
- Thermostat
- Smoke detector
- Smart outlet (Wemo)
- Light bulbs
- Door lock
- Television
- Google Nest, Amazon Alexa, Apple Hub
- Swimming pool equipment
- Refrigerator
- Oven
At any given time, all 15 of these devices can be connected to your home’s Wi-Fi; or at least sending radio waves in order to try to connect to a nearby Wi-Fi network.
Recommended EMF Protection Products
- TriField EMF Meter Model TF2 (Amazon) – measures the 3 different types of EMF radiation, including RF radiation from routers and cell phones
- Wifi Router Guard Cover (Amazon) – blocks up to 90% of EMF radiation from router using a Faraday cage
- Smart Meter Guard Cover (Amazon) – blocks up to 98% of EMF radiation emitted from your smart meter
- EMF Protection Underwear for Men & Women – Lambs uses WaveStopper technology to block 99% of UV and Wireless Radiation.
- EMF Protection T-Shirts for Men & Women – Lambs independently lab tested material blocks 99% of UV and Wireless Radiation
What Health Issues are Associated with Radio Waves Through Wi-Fi?
As radio waves are a type of electromagnetic field, they produce an electromagnetic field of radiation, known as EMF radiation. EMF radiation is ionizing or non-ionizing.
Ionizing radiation is extremely dangerous to a person’s body, organs, or skin because of the amount of energy that is within the radiation. Ionizing radiation has so much energy within it that the energy detaches the electrons from the atomic particles and ionizes them. This level of energy has the ability to burn your skin or damage your organs within just a few seconds of exposure.
What’s ionizing radiation?
This is why a radiology technician will place a lead apron over your body before administering an x-ray. X-rays are ionizing radiation and have the ability to damage your vital organs with just a few seconds of exposure. The lead apron blocks the ionizing radiation from entering your body and causing drastic damage.
Wifi Raditioan- A non ionizing radiation
The EMF radiation emitted from Wi-Fi is called non-ionizing radiation. This is because the radiation from the radio waves does not have enough energy within it to detach the electrons to ionize them. While the EMF radiation is non-ionizing, this does not mean it is not dangerous.
Non-ionizing EMF radiation is dangerous in the long term and in low doses. This is why constant Wi-Fi use within a home can be dangerous to a person’s health.
That’s why we recommend to change router’s settings so that you can limit exposure by turning off your wifi at night which ultimately brings better sleep and reduced stresses.
EMF radiation through radiofrequency can cause headaches, dizziness, mood swings, ringing in the ears, fatigue, and sleeplessness.
Having the internet connection off at night doesn’t only reduce exposure but helps in reducing energy consumption.
Should We Turn off Wifi at Night? What are the Health Benefits of Turning Off Wi-Fi at Night?
Throughout the day, your home’s Wi-Fi is emitting more radio frequency of waves in order to communicate with electronic devices, leaving your home filled with increased levels of EMF radiation.
Leaving your home’s Wi-Fi on during the night, EMF radiation is continuing to fill your home by way of radio waves. Even the new 5GHz wifi band is more harmful as it has more penetration power than the traditional band.
The EMF radiation from the radio waves has to go somewhere, and the most frequently absorbed area is within your body. Therefore, you are continuing to absorb EMF radiation at night, even while there may be few to no electronic devices connected to it. Turn off your wifi and even the wireless systems your mobile phone at night.
This leads us to the first health benefit of turning off Wi-Fi at night.
Note: If you have any habit of reading book before sleeping then we recommend to read printed book instead of Kindle version. All the Kindles emit harmful blue ray that alters sleep cycle.
1. It may be your only time to reduce your daily EMF radiation exposure.
Throughout the day, you are constantly coming in contact with various forms of EMF radiation. Some of these sources of EMF radiation may be unavoidable, such as at a workplace or place of business.
While you can’t control the amount of EMF radiation that is being emitted in these places, you can control your EMF radiation exposure in your home, and the best way to do this is by turning off your Wi-Fi at night.
By turning off your home’s Wi-Fi at night, you reduce the amount of continuous EMF radiation you are receiving for many consecutive hours throughout the night. This may be your only opportunity to reduce the amount of EMF radiation you receive each day.
This is the time in a day when we can create a controlled environment for us. Switching off the internet modem or router at night will not save you from emf exposure. We recommend shutting down all internet activity and wireless charging at night.
2. You can sleep better throughout the night.
EMF radiation can affect your health in a variety of ways. This includes increased headaches, sleeplessness, fatigue, ringing in the ears, mood swings, and blurry vision.
By reducing the amount of EMF radiation you receive throughout the night, you can get a better night’s sleep, helping you feel well-rested for the day ahead.
3. You can feel better during the day.
You know how getting a good night’s sleep will help you function at 100% the next day? The same concept applies to EMF radiation.
By reducing the amount of EMF radiation you receive at night, you will be less likely to face health issues the following day, such as waking up with a headache, dizziness, and fatigue.
4. You can reduce your stress level.
Using copious amounts of wireless internet may increase the amount of data you are allowed to use from your internet service provider.
Going over on your allowed data amount can increase your monthly bill and cost you extra fees. By reducing the amount of wireless internet you use each day, you can cut down your data amounts used. This will lower your stress and increase your overall health.
5. It will reduce your total daily EMF radiation exposure amount.
It is likely that you will come in contact with various forms of EMF radiation throughout the day. This can be in the form of extremely low frequency (ELF) radiation, radiofrequency (RF) radiation, or heat radiation.

While you may not be able to control the amounts or sources of EMF radiation throughout the day, you can control the amount you receive at night.
By turning off your home’s Wi-Fi at night, you are reducing the total amount of daily EMF radiation you are receiving each day. This will help you feel as good as possible with fewer headaches, fatigue, sleeplessness, and dizziness.
How to Turn Off Wi-Fi on Electronic Devices
In addition to turning off your home’s Wi-Fi at night, you should also turn off the Wi-Fi on the electronic devices within your home. This includes your cell phone charger, phones, tablets, computers, and printers.
By turning off the Wi-Fi capabilities within these electronic devices, you are reducing the amount of radio waves, also known as radiofrequency, which is being emitted throughout your home as you sleep.
How to Turn Off Wifi at Night
I’ve written a full guide to turning off wifi in your house and on all your devices. Basically, you have several options:
- Turn off your router from your computer
- Turn off the physical router from the switch
- Unplug the router
If you want to turn off the power to your router automatically and turn it back on in the morning, consider a simple outlet timer like this one on Amazon.
How to Turn Off Internet Access at Night
Turning off internet access kills two birds with one stone – remove the RF radiation from the Wifi router AND prevent late night scrolling.
The easiest way to turn off internet access at night is to turn off the router with the options above: turn off your router from your computer, or turn off your wifi from the physical router from the switch, or unplug the router.
Again, you can automate this process with a simple outlet timer like this one on Amazon.
Should You Turn Off Wifi When Not in Use?
There are several advantages to turning off wifi when it’s not in use:
- Limit your RF EMF exposure
- Prevent users (like teens, kids, and even you) from late night scrolling on social media instead of getting much needed sleep
- If you have privacy concerns like uninvited users accessing your wifi, turning it off will get them off your network
- Power savings. Though minimal, when you’re not using your wifi, turn it off when not using it to save a little electricity
Can We Switch Off Wifi Router at Night?
Yes, you can easily switch off a Wifi router at night from your computer, the router itself or using an outlet timer that will turn off power to the outlet at the time you’d like every night (and turn it back on in the morning, if you’d like).
Pair Wi-Fi Free Nights with Other EMF Radiation Shielding Protection
To maximize the amount of EMF radiation you are reducing by turning off your home’s Wi-Fi at night, you can also use additional EMF radiation protection within the home. This may include EMF radiation shielding paint, EMF radiation protective cases for cell phones or tablets, or EMF radiation shielding protection for windows.
You can also use EMF protection clothing for an added layer of protection – from underwear to shoes.
By turning off your home’s Wi-Fi and incorporating an additional EMF radiation protection element, you can maximize the amount of EMF radiation you block within your home.
This will keep you safe and keep your EMF radiation symptoms at a minimum.
Convenience & Caution
Wireless internet is a modern convenience that most homes, businesses, workplaces, and vacation rentals don’t go without, and for a good reason. Wireless internet allows us to connect to the world without needing a cable to connect to our device in order to do so.
Social media applications, internet browsers, and a variety of games can be accessed through wireless technologies with the convenience of Wi-Fi.
With great success comes great sacrifice. What makes Wi-Fi so successful is the ability to connect electronic devices to the internet by using radio waves, but this is also what makes Wi-Fi so unhealthy. For Wi-Fi to work, your health is sacrificed through the use of radio waves.
As radio waves are emitted from the wireless internet router and the nearby electronic devices, the radio waves will be emitted into the room and absorbed within our bodies. This will increase the likelihood of headaches, fatigue, dizziness, sleeplessness, mood swings, and vision issues.
This is why you will want to reduce the amount of Wi-Fi being emitted throughout your home. The best way to reduce Wi-Fi is to turn it off at night. By turning off Wi-Fi at night, you will reduce the amount of EMF radiation that fills your home on a daily basis.
In addition to turning off your home’s Wi-Fi, you can also turn off the Wi-Fi on each electronic device within your home.
These devices can add up, especially if there is more than one cell phone, tablet, or laptop computer within the home that is constantly searching for a wireless internet network to connect to.
Electronic devices that search for wireless internet are doing so by radio waves. These radio waves are a type of EMF radiation. Therefore, you can reduce the amount of radio waves being emitted throughout the home by turning the Wi-Fi off from the wireless router, wifi modem as well as the electronic devices within the home.
You can also maximize the amount of EMF radiation you are blocking on a daily basis by adding an extra layer of protection to your home. This can be through EMF radiation shielding paint, EMF radiation shielding window treatments, and EMF radiation shielding electronic device cases or covers.
At a minimum, you should turn your home’s Wi-Fi off each night to get a good night’s sleep and wake up refreshed without any symptoms of EMF radiation (take out those Airpods too) exposure you would have otherwise received throughout the night.
Read next: All about wifi router guards and faraday cages
International Organization for Research on Cancer. IARC monographs on the evaluation of carcinogenic risks to humans. Non-ionizing radiation, Part I: static and extremely low-frequency electric and magnetic fields. Vol. 80. Lyon: IARC; 2002.