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9 Things you Need to Know about Kindle and Blue Light (Kindle, Paperwhite, Oasis and Kids models covered – 2022)

Things you Need to Know about Kindle and Blue Light

The Amazon Kindle has revolutionized how we read books. The newest Kindle Paperwhite is 7.23 ounces and 6.9” x 4.9” and can carry around thousands of books. It hosts all sorts of features like screen reading, highlighting text and adjusting margins – all for a relatively reasonable price.  But if you’re concerned about blue light … Read more

How to Turn Off WiFi – Step by Step Instructions (Including Smart TVs, your house, and other devices)

In the last 20 years, WiFi has transformed from a fun novelty to a household staple. In the United States, 9 out of 10 adults use the internet daily from their phones, computers, and TVs. Many refrigerators are even hooked up to Wi Fi connections, sending wireless radio waves all through the house. Outside the house, wireless … Read more

Wifi Router Guards – A Full Guide in 2022

I’ve spent a lot of time researching the harmful effects of wifi radiation lately. Almost always, the recommendation at the end of these articles is to turn your router off or use a router guard. I’d never heard of a wifi router guard until I started doing my research on how to protect my family … Read more

Do Microwaves Emit Radiation?

There is a green halogen light. There is a revolving glass plate. There are a few seconds to a few minutes of humming that end in a loud beep. Over 90 percent of American families use microwaves to heat food in a hurry. Do microwaves emit radiation? Yes but increased distance reduces the amount of … Read more

How Do You Get Rid of EMF Radiation?

featured image with title "How Do You Get Rid of EMF Radiation?" and Educate EMF logo and orange graphic of electromagnetic waves sign with a red X graphic over the top

It is difficult to get rid of EMF radiation all together because it is all around us.  ELF EMF radiation is created by anything powered by electricity and RF radiation is created by cell networks and wifi, among other sources. You can see how it would be extremely difficult to get rid of EMF radiation … Read more

What Material Can Block EMF?

featured image with title "What Material Can Block EMF?" and Educate EMF logo and orange graphic of electromagnetic waves sign with background of metal sheet behind the title and graphic

Metals block electromagnetic radiation by reflecting it.  Metals like aluminum and silver are smooth with no surface to penetrate the metal and instead reflect the radiation from their surface. Make sure you have read our articles on What Does EMF Radiation Mean? to have a full understanding of EMFs as we discuss what materials can … Read more

Are EMF Waves Harmful?

featured image with title "Are EMF Waves Harmful?" and Educate EMF logo and orange graphic of electromagnetic waves sign

EMF waves are harmful. The frequency and wavelength determines the amount of harm from high to low frequency.  There is still much debate surrounding how harmful lower frequency waves are but studies have shown that long-term exposure to EMF waves can be harmful.  Some of the potential health effects associated with EMF exposure include cancer, … Read more

Do Cell Phones Give Off EMF?

featured image with title "Do Cell Phones Give Off EMF?" and Educate EMF logo and graphic of electromagnetic waves sign and graphic of a cell phone

Yes, cell phones do give off EMF. They emit both extremely low frequency (ELF) radiation from the device itself and radiofrequency (RF) radiation from the cellular network and possibly Wifi and Bluetooth as well.  Cell phones are a double EMF producer and since people are most likely to use them very close to their bodies, … Read more

How Do I Block EMF In My House?

featured image with title "How Do I Block EMF In My House?" and Educate EMF logo and graphic of electromagnetic waves sign and graphic of a house

Good Read: Know more about What EMF is and What Does EMF Radiation Mean? and now want to know how to block EMF in your house. There are a few ways that you can block EMF in your house. We will explore the following ways in this article:  1. Use an EMF Shield 2. Turn … Read more

What Does EMF Radiation Mean?

featured image with title "What Does EMF Radiation Mean?" and Educate EMF logo and graphic of electromagnetic waves sign

EMF radiation means a type of energy that comes from electronic devices. It is a form of energy that can be harmful to people if they are exposed to it for too long. How is EMF Radiation Created? This is a summary of what EMFs are. (For a full article, read What is EMF? EMFs … Read more