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Reasons Why Whole Home EMF Protection is Necessary in 21st Century

When smartphones first hit the market in about 2007, they were a futuristic and overwhelming device. It seemed that only technological gurus or those with elite status owned one. A phone that can also access the internet and connect to a car? It didn’t seem possible. Yet, here we are, over a decade later, and … Read more

This Is How EMF Shielding Materials Work

This Is How EMF Shielding Materials Work

EMF awareness has grown over the last couple of years. However, most people are still oblivious to the amount of radiation they are exposed to daily at work, at home, and even when they’re asleep. There’s also the category of people whose nature of work makes them more vulnerable to the harmful effects of EMF … Read more

Some of the Worst Radiation Effects on Humans

There is a good chance that at least once in your life, you have had a large lead blanket placed on your chest before having an x-ray done. You may have this done every six months if you are vigilant about your dental hygiene. A lead blanket is required to shield the vital organs in … Read more