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EMF Protection: Danger Levels and Protection Methods

high voltage power lines among buildings in a city with yellow sunset in background

Today’s world is more digitally connected than before. We’re always plugged-in. The gadgets and apps that we use to keep us connected and productive are becoming more accessible, globally. While this reliance has veered us into the realm of addiction and co-dependency, the advent of technology has notably elevated our culture in a myriad of … Read more

The Units for Measuring EMF Radiation

Cartoon picture of a room in a house with one person listening to music, another on a laptop and a child on a tablet device

If you’re concerned about the level of electromagnetic radiation (EMR) exposure you’re subjected to daily, well, you’re in great company. There are lots of folks out there who want to know how to measure EMR but don’t have the slightest clue how to how to go about it. Purchasing a meter and detector is a … Read more

Can Cell Towers Near Me Cause Health Problems? The Truth Here

5 cell phone towers on a hill covered in trees

There are currently over 200 million mobile phone users in the US alone. According to Statista, the number of mobile phone users around the world is estimated to be a little over 4.6 billion. To service this growing demand for telecommunication services, mobile service providers are putting up more cell towers to ensure that everyone … Read more